Giant bluefin tuna photo 1002 lbs Azores
Giant Bluefin Tuna Photos - page 2 of 6
Giant bluefin tuna image
Jacky Delbrel's 1002-lb. giant caught in the Azores on 80-lb. tackle. Fight time - 1 hr 45 min.� Flanking them are Captains Didier Armand (l) and Joseph Franck (r).��
(Photo, G. Wouters)
Giant bluefin tuna photo - 644 lbs - Azores
Giant bluefin tuna photo - 1002 lbs - Azores
Left, a potential world record giant (644 lbs.) taken by Jeanie Legrand on 50-lb. tackle in the first season for her boat ("Torero") in the Azores.� Pictured with her is author Greet Wouters.� (Photo, F. Clement)

Right, unloading Jacky Delbrel's huge 1002-lb. giant at the commercial dock in Horta.�
(Photo, J. Delbrel)

Below, Captain Les Gallagher and the first giant of his angling career - a fish weighing 704 lbs.� (Photo, Snowman Madsen)
Giant bluefin tuna photo - 704 lbs - Les Gallagher's first giant - Azores
Below, junior world record giant bluefin (647 lbs.) caught by Joeffrey Francois off Faial in 1997.� Fight time - just 45 min.�
(Photo, F. Clement)
Junior world record giant bluefin tuna photo - 647 lbs - Azores
Jumping giant bluefin tuna photo - 700 to 800 lbs - Azores
Left, an airborne giant weighing 700- 800 lbs. with the island of Faial in the background.� (Photo, L. Gallagher)
Photo of Xacara tuna fishing - Azores
Above, the "Xacara" crew battling a big giant.

Below, Steen Peterson and his� 814-lb. giant caught on 80-lb.�� Fight time 2 hrs. 45 min.�������� (Photo, Snowman Madsen)
Giant bluefin tuna photo - 882 lbs - Azores
Giant bluefin tuna photo - 814 lns - Azores
Big game fishing lures photo Above, Captain Didier Armand (l.) and angler Ephriam Cloostermans (2nd from right) with his 882-lb. giant caught on 80-lb. tackle off the island of Faial in the Azores.� Fight time - 1 hr.� The town of Horta is in the background with the caldera looming in the clouds behind.�
(Photo, G. Wouters)
Left, the Marlin Magic from Hawaii, the softhead Mouldcrafts, Senior or Little Super Chugger, Pakula Grimace in Blue, Hot Cecilia or Pink Stinger, Polu Kai Rocket Man ... it all worked.� Any moving target triggered the bluefin of the Azores.�� (Photo, J. Vertommen)

The Severity of Atlantic Population Losses

The Facts - Headed for Extinction,

Marlin, Bluefin Tuna,
Swordfish, Sailfish,
Large Sharks

Daily "Kill-o-Meter"

Bluefin Tuna ESA Listing Petition

Articles on Big Game Fish and Fishing
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Hunting Giants
Hunting Grander Blue Marlin and Bluefin Tuna
Those Magnificent Giants
Going, Going, Gone
Headed for Extinction

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Bluefin Tuna - pg. 1 of 6
Pulled Overboard
All-Tackle World Record Bluefin Tuna
Atlantic Blue Marlin - 4 pages
Pacific Blue Marlin - 3 pages
Black Marlin - 3 pages
White Marlin - 2 pages
Bigeye Tuna
Yellowfin Tuna
Swordfish - 3 pages
Large Sharks

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Live Moon Phase Display

Daily "Kill-o-Meter"

Longliners fish most heavily during the periods when the moon is brightest. So, this real-time image of the moon phase shows when the kill of swordfish is greatest and least. It also shows when the kill of blue marlin, white marlin, sailfish, sharks, tunas, sea turtles, marine mammals and a host of other marine life is also greatest - even though they are not even targeted. For more, see link above.

International Game Fish Association